Our school relies upon the participation and active involvement of parents and friends. The success of education offered by Suzuki Charter School depends upon the school and home working together. All volunteers need to be under the supervision and direction of a staff member, need to sign in and out at the office, and wear an identification lanyard while in the school.
Home and School Partnership for Student Success
As a Suzuki parent, there are strategies you can follow that will aid your child in achieving excellence this school year.
- Have your child eat nutritiously and get proper rest.
- Assure your child is at school and that s/he is on time, preferably five minutes earlier to sharpen pencils, fill water bottles and prepare for the day ahead.
- Discuss how important it is to get one’s work done first.
- Model and discuss how to respect others and property.
- See that assignments are completed and handed in on time.
- Spend time reviewing class work and concepts taught. Use online sites including LearnAlberta and Exambank. (Contact your child’s teacher for our school user names and passwords.)
- For grade at-a-glance one-page overviews of the topics taught in each subject, visit https://www.learnalberta.ca/content/mychildslearning/.
- Be vigilant about listening to Suzuki repertoire, and surround your children with inspiring music.
- Make time for daily, uninterrupted music practice time.
Daily Homework and Music Practice Reflecting the Suzuki Approach
Listening until we remember is not enough. We must listen until we cannot forget.
Daily Review is a foundational component of student growth at Suzuki Charter School. To reach the level of personal, musical and academic excellence, both parent involvement and daily review are essential to develop mastery. Through the process of meaningful daily review, strong partnerships between home and school develop and student learning progresses more easily. The Suzuki Approach is most effective when parents and teachers actively work together to support student learning goals.
The ultimate impact of the joining process is the strengthening of parents’ capacity to help their children, thereby strengthening the school’s overall educational capacity. Parents become connected to a caring educational community in a manner that is empowering.
– Mapp
Teachers provide academic homework comprised of daily review for approximately 30 minutes each day. Assignments may also include incomplete classroom assignments, or an occasional research project. Teachers will facilitate daily communication within student agendas, within the homework assignment, or utilizing communicative technology.
Students practice their instruments, listen to Suzuki repertoire and complete their academic homework daily.
Parents guide, encourage their children to complete daily review and communicate directly with their child’s teacher to clarify homework assignments, revisit the amount of daily review assigned and/or provide enrichment ideas or resources. Please communicate directly with your child’s teacher to clarify or revisit the amount of daily review assigned.
Volunteer Opportunities
- Assisting homework and music practice
- Classroom volunteering under the supervision of a staff member
- Sharing of expertise
- Parent Workshops
- Public Relations
- Parent Council
- Board of Directors
- Chaperone/assist on field trips and at concerts
- Fundraising Coordination
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is accountable to the Minister of Education, parents and students of the school. The areas of accountability include governance of the Suzuki Charter School and ensuring that the goals and objectives of the Society are met. All parents are encouraged to attend Board meetings including the Annual General Meeting. If you have an interest in sitting on the Board of Directors of the Suzuki Charter School Society, this is your opportunity to stand for election.
Parent Council
The Parent Council is a group of parents and teachers who work together to support 3-Year Education Plan goals to promote continuous improvement. The Parent Council advises the Principal on general matters relating to the school during montly public meetings including the Annual General Meeting. If you have an interest in participating on the Parent Council, this is your opportunity to stand for election.
Fundraising activities are designated towards priorities determined by community consultation: educational resources, special events, technology, and play equipment to maintain our requirements and to provide enhanced programs for students. The Principal consults with parents, staff and students annually to seek community feedback and inform parents how the money will be spent. Following Board policy, 10% of all funds raised will be used to support the SCS Music Bursary.